NZ International Comedy Festival08 - 11 MAY, 9.30PM

Robbie Nicol's Late Night Pilot

Show Info

New Zealand finally has a late night talk show! Sure it's not on TV, but this is a pretty good start.

Robbie Nicol has been called the ""Kiwi John Oliver"" by the Sunday Star Times and a ""satire genius"" by Jacinda Ardern. He's written for Taskmaster NZ, Taskmaster AU, 7 Days, and appeared on Guy Mont Spelling Bee, but all that is for nothing if he can't convince fancy TV execs to give him a show. Join Robbie and special guests as he frantically tries to sell out as fast as humanly possible.

Winner - Best Web Show 2015, New Zealand Web Fest
Winner - Best Newcomer 2017 Wellington, NZ International Comedy Festival