Become a Basement Funding God

At Basement Theatre, we believe in the power of storytelling and we back local artists one hundred percent. It’s that simple folks. For 16 years, our small but mighty theatre has been an iconic cultural beacon, it’s the place where some of our country’s best stories are told, and where your favourite performance artists cut their teeth. Those local comedians all over TV that you know and love? They probably started at Basement. Those artsy heartthrob performers with the shaggy mullets and aloof attitudes that you secretly wish you were as brave and cool as? Yup they started here too.

We’re also a place where diverse artist communities can upskill and give live performance a go in a low-risk setting. We’ve been dedicated to supporting the freshest of artists develop ideas, learn the ropes and gain confidence. We set them up to succeed in this tough little industry, we are ferociously dedicated to this work, and we make a massive contribution to the arts in Aotearoa. It’s just facts.

Like many theatres up and down the country we are facing considerable pressures, and running a venue is mighty expensive. We’ve seen costs go up faster in the last year than ever before, and we’ve got some pretty hefty expenses to meet before the end of the year is up. 

In times of trouble such as this, we usually turn to the FUNDING GODS. We put a lot of our faith in these funders, crossing our fingers and toes and praying that everything works out. But now, funding bodies are suffering from inflation and budget cuts just as much as we are!…So what pray tell shalt we do?!?!?

We can’t just leave it up to the funding gods to decide Basement’s future any longer…if you believe in what we do and want to help us make ends meet,

COULD YOU BE A FUNDING GOD for Basement Theatre?

You may not have control of Auckland’s chronic flooding or the never-ending roadworks, but maybe you have the power to see your favourite theatre make it through this hectic time. Can you help us take the control away from cosmic influence? 

To continue bringing you the stories you love and backing the phenomenal artists who tell them, we are launching a special fundraiser. Our goal is to raise $60,000 by 15 November and every donation - no matter the size - will make a difference. We are putting our faith in you to be a Funding God and donate what you can to Basement Theatre today.

Help fund our final season of the year
We have an incredible spring season happening RIGHT NOW and your donation will help us cover all staffing and administration costs, venue upkeep and general costs associated with putting on

Enable all of our artists to put their work on without paying for venue hire
Putting on a show is a colossal financial undertaking. To make sure artists can still create shows in this universe, the majority of our artists don’t pay any venue hire fees.

Enable us to maintain the Living Wage
Support our bar staff, contracting technicians and operators to earn above the Living Wage

Enable us to make our space as safe as possible
We’ve been hit with some pretty hefty maintenance work that needs to be done so that we can maintain fire safety regulations. Ensuring everyone is safe in our space is of utmost importance.

We are accepting offerings big and small from now until 15 November. After donating and becoming a Funding God, your name will appear in lights somewhere very special at Basement Theatre (more on that soon 😉). 

We thank you for being kind. We praise you for being almighty. Thank you for becoming a Basement Funding God today.