July 23, 2024Announcements

Introducing Basement Makers Space

Basey artists! We’ve got an announcement that we think is pretty cool… one of our spaces is getting a new name!

Our hugely popular and hardworking rehearsal space, The Dojo, from here on out will be known as Basement Makers Space. 

For those who haven’t been there before, Basement Makers Space is tucked quietly off Queen St between Q Theatre and Tanuki’s Cave. For many years before it was a place for artists, it was a martial arts dojo - hence the old name! In 2020, Basement secured the lease to the space from Auckland Council for Tāmaki’s artist community, thanks to the Basement team of that era. Now it’s become home to hundreds of rehearsals and small-scale events including workshops, auditions, table reads, production meetings, wānanga, and performances. 

After going through some renovations to the place to better cater for artistic practice including a kitted-out kitchen, tech system, furniture and sound enhancements, we think now’s the perfect time to bestow a new name on the space in a way that fully embodies the creative communities that continue to nurture and inform the intention of this arts space.

Alongside the name change, we’re also exploring some further additions to the space to make it even more functional for artists. But in the meantime, all the ways in which you can book and make use of the space will stay the same - so get making!  

For more information or to book Basement Makers Space, head over to our SpacetoCo page or contact our awesome Makers Space administrator Brit via makersspace@basementtheatre.co.nz.