Support Basement turning 15!

Yes that’s right we’re officially in our moody broody teenage years. Think major hormone surges and a raging desire to take Dad’s Toyota for a joyride.
Since 2008, Basement Theatre has served the independent live performance communities of Tāmaki Makaurau pretty fiercely. Our whakapapa is hearty and so many icons have torn through the roller door and made this place their own.
Since our 10th birthday milestone, together with our artist communities we’ve been focused on getting this beloved entity through the Covid years. Sometimes she was kicking and spluttering, but always cackling along the way.
For real tho, inflation has knocked our books around, and despite these challenges we’ve chosen to stay committed to championing artists and backing them financially. We’re pretty keen to make it to the end of the year without too much damage, so if there was ever a time you wanted to flick us a koha it’s now.
If you’re out of town (or grounded 😜) and can't make it to Basement's 15th Birthday Party on Saturday the 23rd, you can still drop us a b'day pressie by contributing to the Basement Birthday fund.