Show Info
HINE TE RĒHIA is a devised bilingual theatre experience with singing, dance, haka and authentic storytelling through monologue and poetry, performed by an all female BIPOC cast.
Scattered with Aotearoa songs, dance elements including contemporary fused with hip-hop, traditional Pasifika Siva, as well as poi, mau rakau and haka, Basement audiences are in for a powerful and moving experience showcasing the immense mana of our incredibly talented rangatahi.
HAU (te Hī me te Hā) is a 2-week festival of new and original indigenous, Pasifika and/or LGBTQi+ stories with songs, dance and text celebrating the movement of the atmosphere, the winds of change and the shifting vibrations of energy and light.
The purpose of this festival is to ignite, activate, illuminate and resonate, sharing this opportunity and platform with our vibrant collective who have stories to tell. HAU will feature three shows: Hine Te Rēhia, Ka'a and the Garage Party.
Tuatara Collective is a relatively new company providing an opportunity for New Zealanders to create and share stories with an authentic lens - either Te Ao Māori, Pasifika or LGBTQi+. All projects are created to provide community and facilitate korero.
Tuatara Collective developed the Rātā initiative, an innovative arts practice supporting mental health in the arts industry (for artists and audiences). Professional mental health support will be provided to all artists involved, and be present at each show for the audience to engage with post-show. This is a core value of Tuatara Collective, and informs their kaupapa and work.