15-19 OCT, 6.30PM


A young woman poses as both Edward and Bella from the Twilight movie poster.

Show Info

Winner: Director’s Choice, 2023 New Zealand International Comedy Festival

The year is 2010, ‘Your love is my drug’ by Kesha plays on your iPod nano. You log off bebo to obsessively binge One Direction’s X factor performances on YouTube. Justin Bieber’s face is littered across your walls.

You are also so unconditionally and irrevocably in love with a fictional vampire that you think you might actually combust.

Hold on tight spider monkey, step aside Bella Swan and Team Jacob Stans beware as Liv Parker brings back her award winning debut comedy hour.

Join her as she reveals her most intimate fan girl fantasises through a dynamic and fun blend of sketch, clown and stage challenge dance.

“a packed, passionate first solo hour... there’s a lot of love, and to love, in it” – Bad Apple