A Fat Girl's Cry Tour

Show Info
Broadway! Bellies! And Bums!
Welcome to A FAT GIRL’S CRY!
Join us to celebrate Plus Size bodies On Stage with some of Broadway’s greatest hits! Representing all the Plus Size & Curvalicious Performers!
A Fat Girl’s Cry is about the importance of Plus Size Representation in the Musical Theatre Industry by taking a journey through Music, Singing, and Dance. Experience a fresh new take on some of your most beloved musicals. Such as Chicago, Wicked, Into the Woods, and more!
Challenge those close-minded views of what defines a Romantic Leading Lady and break down those traditional stereotypes. For anyone that feels like they just don’t quite “fit the bill” in the Industry and within Society.
This show is for those under-represented minorities!
A Fat Girl’s Cry is a musical journey for Every Body!